Sunday, May 24, 2009

Just What Is On30 Anyway?

Hola! Peppy here!


Um, Peppy.

Oh...sorry. As I was saying. Or did I say anything? Well, On3o is a wonderful scale/gauge combination that has taken root in the world over the past eight or ten years. The scale is O scale, or 1/4 inch = one foot. The gauge, or the distance between the rails, is thirty inches. Thus, On30. Some people call it On21/2. While that is technically correct, On30 means a bit more.

On30 has become a wildcat. Since the start of the On30 Conspiracy Yahoo Group, On30 has come to stand for the wild west of model trains. Fueled by affordable and high quality trains from Bachmann Trains, a vast legion of narrow gauge lunatics has invaded the model train scene.

So, it is often more easy to describe the character of On30 than its dimensions and proportions. On30 is an "anything goes" scale for them that like "tongue in cheek" or a bit of artistic flair. In On30, rivet counters are thrown under the train and the whimsical takes over.

So don't follow this blog any longer if you are a "serious as a heart attack modeler" as the fun will kill you.

As for me...siesta time!

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