Compañía Minera de Peñoles
We just call it the Peñoles Mining Company.
The purpose of this blog is to convince the members of the North County Interchange that On30 has become very popular, very inexpensive and very fun for layout construction. So, I believe we need to build an On30 raffle layout for the Piedmont Division of the NMRA. The next train show will be in May of 2010 and I don't like to wait around our you will see us working night and day again like last time.
Here is a photo of our last layout...

WOW Scott! You had me at peinyadda—I like any alcohol beverage with coconut in it! But seriously, consider doing this in Sn42 (Standard Gauge equipment on 42" tracks [HO scale]; primarily waterfront including tall ships for whaling & timber; and a single track with necessary spurs and I will be the very first to sign up! Heck, I already have the modules constructed awaiting a design plan. Where do I sign? Later, Ben | |